Member Profiles

Name: Shawn Dunn   Age: 33  

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City: Orange Park   State: FL
Regular job: warehouse management

Brief Life History:  My history with herps started with a pet turtle at the age of three.  In elementary school I was catching and keeping turtles.  By junior high my interest turned to snakes.  In high school I kept and tried to breed Diamondback Rattlesnakes.  After college my interest started revolving around my daughter’s growth, interest and abilities with herps.  Currently we spend our field time in salt marshes.  This is a fusion of her marine biology and my herpetology interest.

Primary herp interests: My interest seems to change every couple of years.  Currently it is coastal herps of Florida; Salt Marsh Snakes, Diamondback Terrapins, Sea Turtles and the American Crocodile.

Why did you join the JHS and what do you want to get out of your membership?  I joined for the opportunity to learn more about herps.

What has been your favorite JHS experience?  It was either the 2003 Osceola Field Trip when my daughter and I teamed up with the group for some great herp photography or Tonca’s 2004 birthday when I went head first into Tonca’s tank to get him out for his physical.