February 2004

Wayne Hill The Turtle Experience

Wayne Hill gave a very interesting and entertaining presentation about turtles he keeps. True to form, he mixed facts, opinions, and humorous stories together to entertain about 50 JHS members. Wayne keeps several species of animals that have special meaning to him. Several of these are threatened or endangered in various parts of the world. Much to his credit, he often has rare success with species that few others enjoy. He is a rare treasure of a hobbyist that has an extreme amount of knowledge that enables him to work with the most knowledgable academics.

Most of us only know of Wayne for the ultimate reptile show.......the National Reptile Breeders Expo! Started in Orlando, and now held in Daytona each August, the NRBE is the granddaddy of them all. There are lots of nice smaller shows that we all enjoy, but the NRBE is THE one that most everyone looks forward to each year. So when you see him at the expo this August, say hello to him and chat with him if time permits. He has lots of stories that are sure to delight.

~ Mike